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The hinterland of Otranto is perhaps the best preserved part of Salento. Going up the Idro valley, you visit an ancient Byzantine crypt (where you can admire frescoes made by Greek monks) and then stop at the "le Costantine" Foundation where the art of traditional weaving is practiced.
We then cross the "megalithic garden" of Giurdignano, dotted with Dolmen and Menhir - monuments of prehistoric origin that hide mysteries and legends. The menhir "San Paolo", on the outskirts of the village, reminds us of the history of the "tarantate", women who popular belief wanted to have been pinched by a spider (the Taranta) and who were treated through music (the "pizzica Pizzica" ).

Tasting lunch at one of the best bakeries in the provincial area, in Specchia Gallone, where Donato - first farmer and then baker - cheers up the guests with music, food and economics and politics speeches, with a very particular point of view. After lunch we visit the oven and the attached educational farm.

In the early afternoon you reach Porto Badisco, according to the legend "Enea landing" (the last survivor of the city of Troy) and which houses one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe: the “Cervi cave” (also called "the Sistine chapel of prehistory"). The cave is inaccessible, for safety reasons, but we can see interesting reproductions of the ancient murals in the "Bar da Carlo", also famous for its excellent ice coffee with almond milk and - in the right season - for sea urchins.
Return to Otranto towards sunset, along one of the most beautiful stretches of the coast, with a visit to the lighthouse of Punta Palascìa (the most eastern point of Italy, from which if we are lucky we can see the mountains of Albania) and to the bauxite lake.
Possible final wine tasting.

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