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The project

Il team
Puglia in bici
Salento in bicicletta

Salento Bici Tour is a hybrid project, consisting in a no-profit organisation and a Tour Operator.
It started in 2011 as Association of social promotion by the idea and passion of two young guys from Apulia: Carlo and Francesco; soon, Giulia, joins in it, and then, gradually, other people helped to support the project.
In 2014, the same bunch of people create a Tour Operator called “I slow you”, specialized in cycling and walking tours.
Our aims are to help spread the bicycle as a mean of transportation, developing cycle tourism in Apulia, stimulate a critical knowledge of the territory and landscape, supporting and giving visibility to virtuous local companies and entities.
To do so, on one side, we collaborate with local administrations, schools, networks of associations, in projects regarding sustainable mobility and environmental education; on the other side, thanks to the tour operator, we organize cycling tours and daily excursions, to let people taste slowly and with all their senses – even the forbidden ones, sometimesJ -  Apulia in its most hidden corners.
More generally, we promote a lifestyle focused on reducing consumption, energy and not only, to put a stop to the excessive use of the car, the offenses to the landscape, the consumeristic philosophies that damage the environment and health of people: we believe bicycle is one of the many keys that can open the door to a wiser, fairer world, more aware of our limits.
We offer visitors and locals the opportunity to cross the territory slowly, at the pace dictated by one's own strength, to get to know it or rediscover it: too many important things are missing out, in the closed interior of a car, to the nose, eyes, ears… We have the ambition to return them to you! 
I Ciclopi Srl
Via Buonarroti, 30

73100 Lecce
P.IVA 04622810754
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