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Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

Since 2016 we have been participating in the "Erasmus for young entrepreneurs" program, funded by the European Union, and which aims to spread the culture of business among the young people of the continent. In our case, social enterprise.
    The people hosted have the opportunity to study our organization model closely, in order to be able to replicate it in their home country.
In recent years we have already hosted 6 people for periods of 3 to 6 months. Madalena (Portugal), Wojtek (Poland), Martina (Portugal), Anthony (United Kingdom), Giovanna (Holland), Alex (Romania), were together with us and shared our efforts, our commitment and the beauty of our land.
    The experience has always been formative both for them and for us.
They were able to see closely how a hybrid organization like ours works, which seeks to combine an entrepreneurial part and a social part - well rooted in the community.
    We were able to take advantage of their presence both to keep our English alive (our meetings are held in English), and to continue to discuss critically about what we do and how we do it, thanks to the presence of an external and differnet gaze.
Salento Bici Tour is available to welcome other young people interested in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program.
If you are interested write to: .


Immagine principale: 
erasmus giovani imprenditori
I Ciclopi Srl
Via Buonarroti, 30

73100 Lecce
P.IVA 04622810754
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